Sikas limteknologier gør det muligt for udbyderne af solcelle-, koncentreret solenergi- og solvarmesystemer at udvikle nye designløsninger og tilvejebringe omkostningsreduktioner takket være materialebesparelser samt forbedrede processer.

Nye fugeteknikker til solenergi

Markedsforholdene lægger et stort pres på omkostningsstrukturerne, samtidig med at de kræver førsteklasses solenergisystemer med langsigtet ydeevne.

Industrien er derfor tvunget til at overveje optimeringer i produktions- og installationsprocesserne samt nye, innovative designs. Dette fører til nye materialer og fugeteknikker, som skal implementeres i produktion og installation.

Den relevante limteknologi gør det muligt at spare omkostninger, øge produktionseffektiviteten og gør det endda muligt at tilføje unikke funktioner til det endelige solsystem. Sika hjælper dig med omfattende projektsupport i alle faser - fra design til implementering og eftersalgsservice - med den optimale løsning, så du kan nå dine mål.

Solar applications performed with Adhesive
reduktion af installationstid
med limede Sikasil® monteringssystemer


Bottom plate bonding

Bonding and sealing of bottom plate to framing system

System Benefits

  • Shortens cycle times with faster curing technologies
  • Reduces handling times thanks to increased initial strength
  • Secures joint performance with structural adhesives

Best recommended products

Cover Glass Bonding

Bonding and sealing of cover glass to the framing system

System Benefits

  • Eliminates mechanical fixing of cover glass
  • Secures durability and tightness thanks to the structural adhesive
  • Increases the production output
  • Simplifies automation of production
  • May eliminates raised edges that trap dirt or water


Best recommended products

Tyndfilm fotovoltaisk

Bonding to mounting devices

Structural bonding of the module to the mounting structure in production or on-site

System Benefits

  • Saves up to 40% installation time
  • Saves up to 25% overall PV system cost
  • Elimination of electrical grounding
  • Minimized material handling compared to clamping
  • Minimized micro cracks on cells implies higher yield
  • Elimination of raised edges enables self-cleaning for higher yield and durability
  • Ensured durability by structural and proven adhesives
  • Simplified tolerance compensation of bonded components

Best recommended products

Krystallinsk fotovoltaisk

Bonding to mounting devices

Structural bonding of the module to the mounting structure in production or on-site

System Benefits

  • Saves up to 40% installation time
  • Saves up to 25% overall PV system cost
  • Elimination of electrical grounding
  • Minimized material handling compared to clamping
  • Minimized micro cracks on cells implies higher yield
  • Elimination of raised edges enables self-cleaning for higher yield and durability
  • Ensured durability by structural and proven adhesives
  • Simplified tolerance compensation of bonded components

Best recommended products

Junction box bonding and potting

Bonding and potting of junction poxes on photovoltaic modules

System Benefits

  • Shortens cycle times thanks to short “non-flow” and curing times for potting
  • Fast handling due to fast reacting products
  • Shows durable water-tightness and insulation
  • Demonstrates excellent adhesion and flammability rating
  • Provides long lasting environmental protection
  • Eliminates settling of components thanks to balanced formulation

Best recommended products

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